
Job starting

Hi, there.

I started job in new year.

Many people asked me to operate the system I developed.


Phrase I learn English this week

I didn’t realize that〜

For me,It’s about 〜 ing

What a coincidence that〜

feel the pressure to 〜

a sharp increase in 〜 (の急増)
a gradual increase in〜(緩やかな増加)
a steady increase in 〜(着実な増加)
前にThere has beenをつけることが多いです。
後ろにthe demand(需要)、the number(数)、the rate(割合)

English is cool

I have enjoyed studying English for four months.

For me, It’s about communicating with foreigners.

I feel the pressure to take a English exam next month.

But, that’s good.

High pressure make me make efforts.

And no pressure make me lazy.

I feel there has been a steady increase in the English speaking skill.

To be honest, I take a online English lesson for free.

What a coincidence that I take the lesson.

Our company pay for me to study English for four months.

However, our company will not pay this tuition fee for me after next month.

I already decided to continue the English lesson at my own expense.

Because English is so cool.

Skip breakfast

What do you think about skip breakfast?

When I was a child, my parents were like ” You should eat something three times a day”.

I took them at their word.

But, now I skip breakfast to concentrate on the task in the morning.

When I am full, I can’t give my all.

I didn’t realize that skipping breakfast is named.

the name is autophagy diet in japan.

the diet fit to me.


we need to restudy something valuable.

that name is “リスキング” in japan.

We need to adapt the new generation.

Have a good one

