

I use App ‘SPEAK BUDDY’ to study English.

I always use this app in the morning for 15 min.

We are able to talk with this app characters and study syntax.

I try to write this dairy with syntax SPEAK BUDDY teach me.


syntax I study this week

We’d better 〜 before …

It’s good idea to 〜

To be honest, 〜

〜isn’t always the best…

What should I do to…

Remote work

I did remote work twice a week this weekday.

If you belong a system department, you can do remote work easily.

Remote work isn’t always the best way to work.

To be honest, Sometimes, talking with business associate face to face is good to solve solutions easily.

But, it’s good idea to do remote work because we can make a time for our family and health.

Whenever I have a remote work day, I always go for a run for 30min before work and I do laundry, do wash or so.

We’d better create a home environment before do remote work.

monitors, standing desk, keyboard, and mouse are essential for remote work.

recently, people from other departments of the company asked me ‘what should I do to operate a system?’

Of course I answer the question. it’s part of my job.


‘SPEAK BUDDY’ teach me many syntax.

So I can’t remember all syntax the app teach.

I need to study same syntax over and over again.

Have a good one,Nayuta
